Dalvay by the Sea – A Beautiful Canadian National Historic Site Located in Prince Edward Island National Park

We are seasonally open from May to October.
Feel free to contact us and leave us a voicemail or email and we will be sure to answer your inquiries in a timely manner.

History of Dalvay
The house was built in 1895 by Alexander MacDonald, a wealthy businessman and one-time president of Standard Oil Company with John D. Rockefeller. He named the house “Dalvay By The Sea” after his boyhood home in Scotland. The lower half of the house was built with Island Sandstone in its natural boulder form and the huge fireplaces were also constructed with quarried blocks of the famous reddish sandstone.

Anne of Green Gables and Road to Avonlea
Road to Avonlea fans and fans of the Anne of Green Gables movies produced by Sullivan Entertainment Inc. in the 1990s will be most familiar with Dalvay featured as the “White Sands Hotel.” The producers of Road to Avonlea first used Dalvay for the Anne of Green Gables movies showing Anne (Megan Follows) going to a recital at the White Sands Hotel. Anne loses her paper sheets all over the dunes with the hotel in the background.
When the Road to Avonlea series started, the hotel, featured as the White Sands Hotel, allowed the creators to bring in outside guest stars to the Avonlea Village, by offering it as a place they could stay while they visited with the Avonlea characters. Avonlea is the fictitious Island village used in the Lucy Maud Montgomery Anne stories, and in real life, is the resort municipality of Cavendish.

Prince William & Kate, Duchess of Cambridge Visit PEI
As a part of their royal honeymoon tour, Prince William and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge visited Prince Edward Island in the summer of 2011. They attended an outdoor reception at Dalvay by the Sea that included a BBQ, a dragon boat race and music. More photos can be seen of their visit in the Dalvay gallery.